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#1752 Free transform cursor option is broken on latest JPEXS versions
Author: user Akira896
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

On version 14.3.1, the "Free transform" option (in my case used to change the position of certain texts) works as intended (or at least to what I need it for). However, on the latest version to date, 14.5.2, this option is kinda broken when trying to select and drag things. To put it simply, you can only grab to move an object when you click on the upper left corner. If you click it on anywhere else, it'll rotate or deform the object. This issue is best explained with a video in action visualizing the problem. I'll also put the SWF where I tested this issue.
DownloadFree transform issue.mp4 (1,881 KiB)Download5537.swf (112 KiB)
This should be fixed in nightly 2058.
State: new→upgraded
Yes! It's fixed now. Thanks!
State: upgraded→closed